Sexual Parasite Killer Pussy (2004) Full Movie Online Watch.
Directed by: Takao Nakano.
Released: 2004.
Runtime: 60 min.
Genres: Comedy, Horror.
Countries: Japan.
Language: Japanese.
Also Known As: NA.
Movie Info:
Actors: Sakurako Kaoru, Natsumi Mitsu, Masanori Miyamoto.
Plot: I watched this unsubbed, so a few plot details may be incorrect, but what this is basically is a rip-off of David Cronenberg's Shivers, complete with a bath
scene, but the sex is more hardcore. Four backpackers travel to the Amazon and end up picking up a parasite that lives inside women's vaginas. This will be a sure fire hit among horror genre fans when a distributor picks it up for release outside of the Asian market.
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Comedy Horror