Crimson Nights (2000) Online Watch Movie.
Directed by: Jeffrey Arsenault.
Released: 2000.
Runtime: 77 min.
Genres: Horror.
Countries: USA.
Language: English.
Movie Info:
Actors: Lev Gorn, Roberta Orlandi, Tina Krause, Lori Thomas, Oguz Sozer, Andrea Biro, Dan Berry, Alice Liu, LG Taylor, Sasha Graham.
Plot: A plague of vampirism is sweeping
New York. Susan has recently been turned now she needs to find her first victim. She seduces, then infects her boyfriend Burt. He infects Jasmine, who then ravishes Kate and so it goes on.
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Crimson Nights (2000), directed by Jeffrey Arsenault and starring Lev Gorn, is an English-language film from the USA. Mysterious!