Acid (2018) Full Movie Watch Online & Download.
Directed by: Aleksandr Gorchilin.
Released: 2018.
Runtime: 93 min.
Genres: Drama.
Countries: Russia.
Language: Russian.
Also Known As: Kislota.
Movie Info:
Actors: Filipp Avdeev, Aleksandr Kuznetsov, Roza Khayrullina.
Plot: Acid is a silent manifesto for a generation of twentysomethings. They have been abandoned in a world filled with ideas like family, friendship, love, and possibilities. In search of solutions to their questions, they consume themselves like a toxic substance corroding the world around them, finally learning not to listen but to hear, not to look but to see. And find their way. Sacha and Petya lead the chaotic lives of young musicians in modern-day Moscow: loud parties, ups and downs, and a never-ending cycle of unstable relationships with others and with themselves. Knowing the value of love, family, and opportunity, but feeling lonely and alienated has left them both with the impression that they are corroding from within. A
sudden event
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