Directed by: Chi Lu.
Released: November 01, 1974.
Runtime: 93 min.
Genres: Drama.
Countries: Hong Kong.
Language: Mandarin.
Also Known As: Lui yan min min goon, Nu ren mian mian guan, Women of Desire.
Movie Info:
Actors: Gabriella Hall, Joseph Daniels, Nikki Fritz, Tiffany Gonzáles, Buck O'Brian, Karina Martinez, Everett Rodd, Gary Williams, Stacey Marie Clawson, Jennifer Conalty, Robert Treaton, Pamela Marie, Taylor St. Clair, Franklin A. Vallette, Tamara Starr.
Plot: film with four separate stories throughout the entire film, the contents of modern love and lust relationship intrigues mainly Cantonese films of social realism with a character, and the film is a masterpiece in which the lens trafficking in women over the carcass, the story and do not forget to join moral criticism, and even talk to
women being oppressed. Lui Kei more refined shape for an independent self-image of women
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Hong Kong
Women of Desire” (1974), directed by Chi Lu and starring Ping Ping Wang, aka “Nu ren mian mian guan,” explores complex female desires.