Directed by: George Roy Hill.
Released: August 13, 1982.
Runtime: 136 min.
Genres: Comedy, Drama.
Countries: USA.
Language: English.
Also Known As: The World According to Garp.
Movie Info:
Actors: Robin Williams, Mary Beth Hurt, Glenn Close, John Lithgow, Hume Cronyn, Jessica Tandy, Swoosie Kurtz, James McCall, Peter Michael Goetz, George Ede, Mark Soper, Nathan Babcock, Ian MacGregor, Warren Berlinger, Susan Browning.
Plot: Based on the John Irving novel, this film chronicles the life of T S Garp, and his
mother, Jenny. Whilst Garp sees himself as a "serious" writer, Jenny writes a feminist manifesto at an opportune time, and finds herself as a magnet for all manner of distressed women..
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Comedy Drama