The Return of the Living Dead (1985) Online Watch Movie.
Directed by: Dan O'Bannon.
Released: August 16, 1985.
Runtime: 90 min.
Genres: Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi.
Countries: USA.
Language: English.
Movie Info:
Actors: James Dalesandro, Drew Deighan, Cathleen Cordell, Jonathan Terry, Mark Venturini, Linnea Quigley, Brian Peck, Miguel A. Núñez Jr., Jewel Shepard, John Philbin, Beverly Randolph, Thom Mathews, Don Calfa, James Karen, Clu Gulager.
Plot: When two bumbling employees at a medical supply warehouse accidentally release a deadly gas into the air, the vapors cause the dead to rise again as
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Comedy Horror Sci-Fi