Directed by: Raymond Jacobs.
Released: September 20, 1971.
Runtime: 83 min.
Genres: Drama.
Countries: USA.
Language: English.
Also Known As: Squeeze Play, The Minx.
Movie Info:
Actors: Jan Sterling, Robert Rodan, Shirley Parker, Michael Beirne, Robbie Heywood, Adrienne Jalbert, Alan Dellay, Philip Faversham, Ned Cary, William Gleason, Russell Baker, Jim Cashman, Dick Purrington, Chris Alexander, Teal Traina.
Plot: Ruthless, power-hungry Henry Baxter, president of Lawson Industries, makes plans for the
corporate takeover of Benjamin Thayer's company, Eastern Devices, by covertly purchasing its stock through a Swiss bank. In order to remove Thayer as chairman of the board of Eastern Devices, Baxter must obtain the support of two board members to vote their proxies with his. Baxter arranges a weekend party at his hunting lodge for the two reluctant board members, and Baxter's brother-in-law, John Lawson, is told to provide women for the party. Unknown to Baxter, Lawson is secretly in league with Benjamin Thayer, and the women provided for the party are experts in corporate spying and blackmail. Baxter needs the signature of his wife Louise, an older woman he married to gain control of Lawson Industries, on some essential documents; he persuades her to sign by making love to her. He then demands a divorce.
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