The Loves of Laure (1996) Online Watch Movie.
Directed by: Christoph Clark.
Released: 1996.
Runtime: 81 min.
Genres: Fantasy.
Countries: France.
Language: English.
Also Known As: L’amour de Laure.
Movie Info:
Actors: Vivienne Morrillo, Frank Gun, Karen, Mike Foster, Regina Sipos, John Walton, Vivienne Clash, Dina Pearl, Jean-Yves Le Castel, Illana Moore, Krisztina Schwartz, Christoph Clark, Erica Bella, Anita Blond, Laure Sainclair.
Plot: Venus, the Roman goddess of
love, visits present day Budapest to help people there, both men and women, have more sex, including sex with her.
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