Directed by: Abel Ferrara.
Released: June 15, 1979.
Runtime: 100 min.
Genres: Drama, Horror, Thriller.
Countries: USA.
Language: English.
Also Known As: The Driller Killer.
Movie Info:
Actors: Joyce Finney, Abel Ferrara, Carolyn Marz, Bay Day, Harry Schultz, Alan Wynroth, Maria Helhoski, James O'Hara, Richard Howorth, Louis Mascolo, Tommy Santora, Rita Gooding, Chuck Saaf, Gary Cohen, Janet Dailey.
Plot: An artist slowly goes
insane while struggling to pay his bills, work on his paintings, and care for his two female roommates, which leads him taking to the streets of New York after dark and randomly killing derelicts with a power drill.
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Drama Horror Thriller