The Curse of the Alpha Stone (1972) Online Watch Movie.
Directed by: Stewart Malleon.
Released: 1985.
Runtime: 90 min.
Genres: Horror.
Countries: USA.
Language: English.
Also Known As: NA.
Movie Info:
Actors: Caroline Ronchetti, Olivia Enke, Lowell Smith, Sandy Carey, Jim Scotlin.
Plot: A young college professor dabbles in alchemy and creates an "Alpha Stone", which looks like a piece of glowing yellow Kryptonite. He then uses its power to lure woman after woman to his apartment, while his first guinea pig turns from a supposed
homosexual to a rampantly straight brother. A lot of the early scenes involve the young man working in his laboratory, interspersed with him arguing with his superiors at the college over his beliefs.
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