Directed by: Mitsuru Meike.
Released: 2003.
Runtime: 68 min.
Genres: Romance.
Countries: Japan.
Language: Japanese.
Also Known As: Shujin ni mirare nagara, Swing.
Movie Info:
Actors: Hotaru Hazuki, Takeshi Itô, Anna Fubuki, Takashi Shimada, Yuki, Mutsuo Yoshioka, Yuki.
Plot: Akemi works part-time to provide income for herself and her unemployed husband, Seiji who was a cook at a restaurant once. They are not comfortable and she gets furious when he makes irresponsible expenses. Their love life is not satisfactory either. When they go to Tokyo for a baseball game, she meets an old friend, Satomi, and her husband, Hiroaki. They stay in their house after the game and she starts to understand her own situation better when she watches them. She becomes aggravated during their conversation when they suggest that her husband's irresponsible
behavior is justifiable. As her frustration increases, she meets a lesbian woman who encourages her to experiment sexually, which in turn leads her to a labyrinthine world of sex and swapping. That is the start of a search to discover and free oneself.
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