Revelations of a Psychiatrist on the World of Sexual Perversion (1973) Online Watch Movie.
Directed by: Renato Polselli.
Released: 1973.
Runtime: 89 min.
Genres: Drama.
Countries: Italy.
Language: Italian.
Also Known As: Rivelazioni di uno psichiatra sul mondo perverso del sesso , Sex-lægens erotiske hemmeligheder, Sexläkarens erotiska hemligheter.
Movie Info:
Actors: Isarco Ravaioli, Franca Gonella and Bruna Beani.
Plot: Very rare xXx adult mondo-style film in which a psychiatrist explains to his students several stories of sexual deviants. Each vignette begins with the doctor citing a fact-based newspaper/magazine story of abhorrent sexual behavior. Amazing stuff! Purports to be a
documentary with a psychiatrist interpreting the bizarre newspaper stories of rape, orgy, bit more rape, S&M, more orgy (pretty good actually) and a someone pretending to iron his lady’s nightie with her still in it and someone pretending to be a dog- oh and a threesome where the two men get it off.Along the way we get to see more glorious minis, both skirts and dresses than you’ve ever seen in one xxx film.
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