Million Dollar Mystery (1987) Online Watch Movie.
Directed by: Richard Fleischer.
Released: 1987.
Runtime: 94 min.
Genres: Comedy, Mystery.
Countries: USA.
Language: English.
Movie Info:
Actors: Eddie Deezen, Wendy Sherman, Rick Overton.
Plot: A disparate group of travelers is eating in an isolated restaurant when a man drops dead of a heart attack. Before he dies, they discover that he is
wanted for stealing several million dollars, and he tells them that he has hidden a million dollars in each of four different locations, and gives them clues as to where the locations are. They all then take off and try to get to the hidden treasure before any of the others do....
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Comedy Mystery
Million Dollar Mystery (1987), directed by Richard Fleischer, stars Eddie Deezen. A quirky English-language comedy from the USA.