Directed by: Jennifer Lyon Bell.
Released: February 2009.
Runtime: 34 min.
Genres: Short, Drama.
Countries: Netherlands.
Language: English.
Also Known As: Matinée.
Movie Info:
Actors: Alicia Whitsover, Steven McAlistair, Teri Vakaki, Sandy Pieters, Nicole Mischler, Thomas Lundy, Emma Stuart, Sarah Taylor, Kye Daimon van Oyen-Stanley, Melanie van Oyen-Stanley, Vlad van Riel.
Plot: Stage actors Mariah and Daniel play lovers every night, but their onstage romance lacks spark. One slow afternoon, they discover that today's matinée performance will make or break both their careers. Daniel wants to make big changes, and Mariah starts to wonder: are Daniel's suggestions reasonable? Or has he lost track of the boundary between actor and character? Rushed to the stage, in front of a live
audience, they must figure it out together.
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Drama Short