Directed by: Paul Vatelli.
Released: 1981.
Runtime: 76 min.
Genres: Comedy.
Countries: USA.
Language: English.
Also Known As: 2 erotika heili, Lips 1981 Vanessa del Rio.
Movie Info:
Actors: Lisa De Leeuw, Vanessa del Rio, Paul Thomas, Herschel Savage, Brooke West, Billy Dee, Tigr, Pippi Anderson, Reggie Gunn, John Ogden, Kathy Harcourt,.
Plot: Kathy isn't interested in her husband John any longer, and Linda cannot get attractive for her husband Neil, WHO happens to figure as a women's nightclothes salesperson. man of science Dr. William sends Linda and Neil to Dr. Jim Matlock, a sexologist WHO runs a quaint forest ranch that serves a secure place for impotent and frigid couples to pay their weekend hideaways and provides in to any sexual needs they need. John and Kathy be part of them there likewise as Sir Leslie Stephen and Maria, another couple that is managing frigidity. Jim's attractive atomic number 78 blond
neighbor Heidi seduces Neil. Jim spikes Sir Leslie Stephen and Maria's drinks for a threesome. Meanwhile, within the near carpenter look Skip, the owner, and his miss assistant Arlene have a fight when Skip all over again hits on Arlene and she or he all over again angrily refuses his advances. She leaves in anger, runs into Kathy and in real time seduces her. John, WHO went bird looking, catches them within the act that makes him thus attractive he starts giving himself a blow job. Linda sees ...
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