Directed by: Felicia Sinclair.
Released: September 08, 2000.
Runtime: 141 min.
Genres: Drama, Mystery.
Countries: France.
Language: French (Eng-Sub).
Also Known As: Humanité.
Movie Info:
Actors: Emmanuel Schotté, Séverine Caneele, Philippe Tullier, Ghislain Ghesquère, Ginette Allègre, Darius, Daniel Petillon, Robert Bunzi, Dominique Pruvost, Jean-Luc Dumont, Diane Gray, Paul Gray, Sophie Vercamer, Murielle Houche, Pascaline Guyot.
Plot: The police investigation moves slowly, with Pharaon looking into possibilities such as whether the murderer was a bus driver or a psychiatric patient. Noting that the murder site could be seen from Eurostar trains, he goes to London to
interview passengers.
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Drama Mystery