Directed by: David Worth.
Released: December 16, 1992.
Runtime: 97 min.
Genres: Action, Drama.
Countries: Indonesia.
Language: English.
Also Known As: A Vingança de, Lady Dragon.
Movie Info:
Actors: Sam S., Tanakaa, Cynthia Rothrock, Richard Norton, Robert Ginty, Bella Esperance, Hengky Tornando, Thomas Forcher, Pitradjaya Burnama, Advent Bangun, Diaz Tangkilisan, H.I.M. Damsyik, Henry Surentu, Syarief Friant, Edward Rehwinkle.
Plot: An ex-CIA agent (Kathy Gallagher) living in Indonesia
tracks Ludvig Hauptman, the arms dealer who killed her husband. Along the way, she meets a young boy and his grandfather, who teach her in the ways of the Lady Dragon.
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Action Drama