Il sesso della strega AKA Sex of the Witch (1973) Online Watch Movie.
Directed by: Angelo Pannacciò.
Released: March 20, 1974.
Runtime: 81 min.
Genres: Horror, Mystery, Thriller.
Countries: Italy.
Language: Italian.
Movie Info:
Actors: Giovanni Petruccia, Annamaria Tornelloa, Simone Santo, Susanna Levi, Jessica Dublin, Sergio Ferrero, Camille Keaton, Franco Garofalo, Donald O'Brien, Gianni Dei, Augusto Nobile, Maurizio Tanfani, Marzia Damon, Irio Fantini, Ferruccio Viotti.
Plot: In a secluded mansion, the Hilton patriarch curses his family on the hour of his death. Soon, many of the heirs are
murdered by a strange killer under the instructions of a witch who knows the secret of the Hiltons.
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Horror Mystery Thriller