Harem suare / El ultimo haren (1999) Online Watch Movie.
Directed by: Ferzan Ozpetek.
Released: 1999.
Runtime: 105 min.
Genres: Drama, History.
Countries: Italy.
Language: Italian.
Movie Info:
Actors: Marie Gillain, Alex Descas, Lucia Bose, Valeria Golino, Malick Bowens, Christophe Aquillon, Serra Yilmaz, Haluk Bilginer, Pelin Batu, Ayla Algan, Nilufer Acikalin, Ali Basar, Meric Benlioglu, Cansel Elcin, Basak Koklukaya.
Plot: An
ornately styled tale that cries out for lucid simplicity, “Harem Suare” tells of an odalisque and a eunuch, drawn together by love and the desire for power in a Turkish harem in the early 1900s. Adopting an intricate approach to historical melodrama not unlike that of Zhang Yimou’s early films – “Raise the Red Lantern” in particular – the opulent production is undone by its convoluted narrative. Lacking the concrete exposition and character grounding to pull audiences into its exotic world, this more ambitious film looks unlikely to match the commercial impact of director Ferzan Ozpetek’s widely traveled debut, “Hamam – The Turkish Bath.”.
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Drama History