Flash (1981) Online Watch Movie.
Directed by: Jack Genero.
Released: 1981.
Runtime: 78 min.
Genres: Drama.
Countries: USA.
Language: English.
Movie Info:
Actors: Hillary Summers, Raven Turner, Jane Lindsay, Connie Peterson, Rose Emor, Mike Eyke, Don Hodges, Tommy LaRock, Lloyd Allen, Lance De White, Steve Reiley, Skipp Roppe, James Rose.
Plot: A photographer
sees a suspicious-looking guy outside a bank. She begins to take pictures of the guy, when another guy and a woman emerge from the bank carry a bag full of loot. Switch to the bank robbers counting a bag full of stolen money and the woman, who is now sobbing and watching in horror a sex film of herself that she made years before when she was broke-but now will be exposed, if she doesn’t cooperate, to defeat her father who is running for governor. Wow! All this and sex too!...
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