Directed by: Shaun Costello.
Released: July 31, 1981.
Runtime: 106 min.
Genres: Mystery.
Countries: USA.
Language: English.
Also Known As: White Flesh Is Weak, Fiona on Fire.
Movie Info:
Actors: Amber Hunt, Marlene Willoughby, Gloria Leonard, Susaye London, Sam Dean, Jamie Gillis, Pepe Valentine, Robert Kerman, Reggie De Morton, Simon Lupowitz, Roberto Vegas, Carlo Tonti, Donald Blank, John Leslie, Michael Thorpe.
Plot: Fiona, a rich,
beautiful and successful model in New York City, is found shot to death, and her boyfriend becomes the prime suspect. The tough detective assigned to the case discovers that Fiona has kept a small book with information about all her friends and lovers. When he begins to look into the people whose names are in the book, he begins to uncover some disturbing information about the kind of life that Fiona actually led.
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