Filme Demência (1986) Online Watch Movie.
Directed by: Carlos Reichenbach.
Released: 1986.
Runtime: 92 min.
Genres: Drama, Fantasy.
Countries: Brazil.
Language: Portuguese.
Movie Info:
Actors: Carina Coopera, Júlio Calasso, Valeska Canoletti, Cláudio Willer, Roberto Miranda, Renato Master, Vanessa Alves, Benjamin Cattan, Alvamar Taddei, Orlando Parolini, Rosa Maria Pestana, Fernando Benini, Imara Reis, Emílio Di Biasi, Ênio Gonçalves.
Plot: Transposition of the myth of Faust to
modern Brazil. The heir to a bankrupt cigarette factory, amidst a personal crisis, leaves everything behind and heads for a supposed paradise he has ..
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Drama Fantasy