Directed by: NA.
Released: June 02, 2012.
Runtime: 87 min.
Genres: Comedy, Sci-Fi.
Countries: USA.
Language: English.
Also Known As: Emmanuelle Through Time: Emmanuelle's Skin City.
Movie Info:
Actors: Ariauna Albright, Jess Allen, Chriss Anglin, Catherine Annette, Cameron Bass-Jackson, Michelle Bauer, Tomas Birani, Andrew Brown, Phillip Bruen, Angelina Bulygina, Devon Capps, David Coe, Vinicius Cosac, Timothy Daniel Daly, Victoria De Mare.
Plot: Emmanuelle arrives in Las Vegas where she is recruited for a
time-travel experiment that sends her to a time and place where all her wishes are granted..
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Comedy Sci-Fi