Directed by: Marc Saltarelli.
Released: November 02, 2006.
Runtime: 77 min.
Genres: Comedy, Horror.
Countries: USA.
Language: English.
Also Known As Dead Boyz Don't Scream.
Movie Info:
Actors: Shannon Kane, Yolanda Jo, Maegan Stewart, Aaron Mark, Ewan French, Anthony Giraud, Catherine Wreford, Kenyetta Lethridge, Monique Parent, Gina Gian, Reid Hutchins, Victoria Redstall, Logan Hilyard, Zachary Vazquez, Christian Mousel.
Plot: This turned into one hot, fun movie. If you had advised me someone become going to go the most up to date male models/actors with a campy and scary horror flick, i'd have had serious doubts. But dead boyz promises, with rapid paced action, hot bods and a very good tongue in cheek sense of humor. Mainly thrilling was
victoria redstall as the feisty hollywood electricity dealer who represents the beefcake of the movie.Specific kudos to aaron mark and ewan french because the hilarious and very attractive pudl twins. It's rare that a independent movie business enterprise reveals this stage of hollywood production values and still keeps a level of creative integrity. Spherical this off with a bevy of warm boys and suitable sense of humor and you've got a movie assured to terrify, titillate and terrifically entertain.
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Comedy Horror