Crazy Animal (2007) Online Watch Movie.
Directed by: John Birmingham.
Released: March 31, 2009.
Runtime: 93 min.
Genres: Musical.
Countries: USA.
Language: English.
Movie Info:
Actors: Gershon Moreno, Meghann Scully, Brooke Barnes, Halley Eveland, Jessel, Brinke Stevens, Bryan Kimmel, Maria Zyrianova, Lene Pedersen, Atom Gorelick, Anthony Mongiello, Steven McCloskey II, Danica DeCosto, Anise Fuller, John Birmingham.
Plot: Apparently, to a rapist frat boy (Jeff) and his friends (Jen, Meese, etc.), there is a crazy 80s glam rock metal head who lives in a shack in the
woods named Ricky. When the frat boys and ...
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