Camping Cosmos (1996) Online Watch Movie.
Directed by: Jan Bucquoy.
Released: 1996.
Runtime: 82 min.
Genres: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance.
Countries: Belgium.
Language: French.
Also Known As: La vie sexuelle des Belges II.
Movie Info:
Actors: Lolo Ferrari, Jean-Henri Compere, Fanny Hanciaux, Jean-Paul Dermont, Noe Francq, Claude Semal, Noel Godin, Jacques Calonne, Arno, Herman Brusselmans, Jan Decleir, Patricia Dollez, Sabrina Leurquin, Catherine Claeys, Isabelle Legros.
Plot: On a
campsite at the Belgian coast, the delegate of the Ministry of culture Jan Bucquoy must bring culture nearer to the working class. But the residents of this caravan park prefer to look at soccer, a boxing-match or a beauty-contest. They are not interested in an interview with the famous writer Pierre Mertens. As they are far from home they also want to have some sexual adventures or start a love-affair. The campsite is also the place where everybody wants to live in complete freedom and forget the obligations of everyday-life...
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Comedy Fantasy Romance