Directed by: Ted Moehring.
Released: 2016.
Runtime: 76 min.
Genres: Horror.
Countries: USA.
Language: English.
Also Known As: Camp Blood 666.
Movie Info:
Actors: Quinton J. Alexander, Cedric Crouch, Anthony Edward Curry, Tom Devitt, Dave Ferrier, Ron Fulmer, Julie Ann Hamolko, Shoshanna Hill, Tina Krause, Ian Lillis, Mark Mackner, Adam Maderia, Billy McAfee, Charlotte Moehring, Evie Moehring.
Plot: The Camp Blood Killer Clown
returns from hell to search for fresh victims. Betsy goes looking for her missing brother who joined a Satanic Clown Cult, only to find horrors beyond her imagination.
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