Directed by: Chih-Hung Kuei.
Released: August 1976.
Runtime: 111 min.
Genres: Action, Drama, Thriller.
Countries: Hong Kong.
Language: Mandarin.
Also Known As: Nu ji zhong ying, Bamboo Women’s Prison.
Movie Info:
Actors: Tessa Finch, Chen Feng, Mei Sheng Fan, Dana, Ko-Ai Chiang, Chi Cheng, Feng-Chen Chen, Shen Chan, Hsia-ying Lo, Niki Wane, Roska Rozen, Terry Liu, Hsieh Wang, Lieh Lo, Birte Tove.
Plot: Bamboo House of Dolls is garbage cinema in its most trashy form and definitely something I wouldn't have liked to see from the Shaw Brothers or Hong Kong in general. Some of the Italian
exploitation films of the same subject matter are much more interesting and noteworthy than this quite ridiculous, calculated and worthless piece of cinema exploitation.
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Action Drama Thriller
Hong Kong