Amada Amante (1978) Online Watch Movie.
Directed by: Claudio Cunha.
Released: 1978.
Runtime: 102 min.
Genres: Drama, Comedy.
Countries: Brazil.
Language: Portuguese.
Movie Info:
Actors: Neuza Amaral, Malu Brandao, Sandra Brea, Simone Carvalho, Sandra Castro, Claudio Cunha, Rogerio Froes, Luiz Gustavo, Carlos Imperial, Ana Maria Kreisler, Mauricio Lessa, Miriam Nascimento, Petty Pesce, Fernando Reski.
Plot: A family
leaves a small town in the state of Sao Paulo to move to Rio de Janeiro when the father gets a job promotion there. In Rio, everyone of them will fall prey to the city’s sinful ways....
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Comedy Drama