Directed by: Pavlos Parashakis.
Released: 1974.
Runtime: 77 min.
Genres: Adventure, Thriller, Crime.
Countries: Greece.
Language: Greek.
Also Known As: Aimilia, i diestrammeni, Bloody Emily, Aimilia the Psychopath.
Movie Info:
Actors: Mary Williams, Viky Theodorou, Dimitris Plivouris, Sonia Dimou, Yanis Alexandridis, Manos Destounis, Lakis Skoutaris, Kostas Rigas, Giorgos Plivouris, Jenny Stefanakou, Lyn Fotopoulou, Dimitri Aronis, Gisela Dali.
Plot: Aimilia, a young and relatively well-to-do woman, leads a rather schizophrenic existence. Every day, she gives piano lessons to the
children at an orphanage, while at night she brings home a series of lovers whom she picks up at random and whom she kills while in a sexual frenzy. The film explains her behavior as the result of a traumatic childhood event when she witnessed her mother being murdered by Paris, the man whom her mother abused and humiliated.
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Adventure Crime Thriller