The Movies of my Father (2007) Online Watch Movie.
Directed by: Augusto Martínez Torres.
Released: May 11, 2007.
Runtime: 98 min.
Genres: Drama.
Countries: Spain.
Language: Spanish.
Also Known As: Les pel·lícules del meu pare.
Movie Info:
Actors: Karme Málaga, Ariadna Cabrol, Marisa Lull, Carlo D'Ursi, Paloma Aristegui, Cecilia Bayonas, Beatriz Benguria, Jaime Chávarri, Charo Ema, Ana Gurruchaga, Ramón Martos, Vicente Molina Foix, Alicia Olmo, Silvia Ortiz, Manuel Pérez Estremera.
Plot: The protagonist has no memory of her
father. However, as she watches the films he made before she was born, in which several young girls appear, she begins to suspect if there had been ..
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