The City of Children (2011) Full Movie, Online Video Watch.
Directed by: Yorgos Gkikapeppas.
Released: 2011.
Runtime: 96 min.
Genres: Drama.
Countries: Greece.
Language: Greek.
Also Known As: I poli ton paidion.
Movie Info:
Actors: Kika Georgiou, Giorgos Ziovas, Vassilis Bisbikis.
Plot: The arrival of
children, as seen through the stories of four different couples, just when a pregnancy comes along and conflicts with their lives. A marital crisis becomes a family tragedy; a mad man’s gun forces a young couple to reconsider a premature pregnancy; a long struggle of in-vitro fertilizations brings together and forces apart two sterile women who have shared the same man; and a young Iraqi immigrant,
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The City of Children” (2011), directed by Yorgos Gkikapeppas, stars Kika Georgiou. This Greek film, also known as “I poli ton paidion,” is a heartfelt drama.